It was filled with mixed emotions, my summer. The first few months was pure frustration and sadness, and wishing I had certain things in order to be happy. My brother preaches this message sometimes about patience. He says that sometimes God doesn't give us the things that we're praying just yet in order for us to learn how to be patient, or something like that. Once we get that thing we've been praying for, we start to realize that we didn't really need it in that moment, and it kind of loses its value. Again, kind of. Or, we just receive it at God's perfect time for us. I think that's what he says, I'll ask him later. Anyways, the things I've had to be patient about this summer ranges from the tiniest things (like waiting for people to reply to my texts) to really huge things, like, getting our own home, huge. Nonetheless, they've all taught me how to manage my frustration low-key and to just be patient.
My summer has also taught me to always find a reason to smile, everyday. I wake up some days already in a bad mood, to the point where not even a funny meme with thousands of retweets on twitter can make me laugh. Then I don't feel like praying or writing, then I start thinking about how everything and everyone sucks, and before I know it the day is over and I've been in bed all day just mad. After accepting some of my circumstances this summer, I told myself that I need to convince myself to smile more, and always have a lightened mood. It ain't easy of course, but it works. Even if things don't come when I want it to, they still come eventually.
I've been sulking all day today, and I've been extremely petty. You know those moments when you receive shocking news, and then you backtrack to all those other "questionable" moments and you realize how they all connect, making you feel even worse? Yeah. I had to find multiple reasons to smile today. Whether it was a video of a baby laughing, Meek Mill disses, or bible scripture memes, I laughed. Then I felt really low and tried to convince myself that I'm too "Boss" to be sad. When I talked to God, He reminded me how to be honest with Him, myself, and my feelings. So yeah, that's what I'm going to try to start doing.
Enjoy this life. Serve God. Be patient. Love no matter what. Smile more.
Now, Here's my smiling summer moments in Pictures. Enjoy.
Brozay's Graduation, 5.21.15
Tomi's Graduation, 5.26.15
Shaki's Birthday, 6.12.15
Sarah's Birthday, 6.27.15
Weddings, 7.11.15
My Wonderful Birthday, 7.15.15
Orlando Florida, 7.25.15- 8.1.15
Lulu's Birthday Party, 7.24.15
My Bestie, 8.7.15
More Weddings, 8.8.15
Disney World Orlando, 7.25.15-8.1.15
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