17 August 2015


I'm obsessed with goals. Even if I don't complete them the way I intended to or if they don't work out. I just like imagining a positive end result. I have a job because my goal is to get my own car. I'm in school because..have not figured that out yet. Maybe it's because I want to study journalism, but I don't even really like journalism anymore. But when I did, I was in school because I wanted to study journalism so I could be a journalist or writer or something. Just know I have goals.

Everything I do usually has a goal or has to be of some purpose. I'm not really a "go with the flow" chick. I'm learning though that sometimes going with the flow is the way to go. It really saves you so much drama and trauma. Or maybe you just need a clear, balanced goal.

I'm also very detail-oriented. With my goals comes a list of how I will attain them. So back to my job for example,  I was lucky enough to not only have such a terrible first interview, but to also win favor over my managers that they've decided to keep me until I graduate with my degrees. My goal is to get a car by July next summer, because I want to start commuting my junior year, and I'm just at that age. In order to get the nice functioning Toyota that I want, I need to save up $416.67 a month. I get paid a very humbling $250 or less every two weeks, so on average I only have $25 to spend on myself, and this does not include tithes. Who thinks I can do it? Not many, but I'll try.

School starts in like two weeks and I'm so excited because I'll be in a single, all the big diner-spenders have graduated, and I'm taking at least one class for all my majors. With every semester comes goals. So here are my Semester Goals:

Academically. I'm not even going to try and fake like I want a 4.0 (or that I'll even get one). I'm not limiting God, I'm just saying. I just want to pass all my classes (with dignity) with a B or higher, and my cumulative GPA to go back up to a 3.0. After the first two weeks of classes, or the week before first wave of exams, I make a very detailed list on how I will maintain my grades for every class I take, and I make a schedule that I rarely follow in order to keep up with my work and all that stuff. I hope to follow that this semester with very little space to slack off.

Financially. So my amaze-ball friends recently raised money for me to get a new phone, and now I am paying some serious repercussions for not being patient and doing my research before I tried to be miss independent. So I went with AT&T completely forgetting that they took away their unlimited data plan, and my first and second bill was so ridiculous! I call them everyday to see if they love me enough as a loyal three-week customer to bring my phone bill down a little more, and they do. Thats the only bill that I am responsible for, but remember how I said I only have $25 a month to spend? Just know...just know.

I also really want to be a fly babe this winter and treat myself to a Missguided shopping spree to get their suede sleeveless trench coats in all the colors. My goal is to have $250-$300, or less, to spend this winter. Sale items only though. I do it all the time so it shouldn't be hard, but then again, $25 a month.

I'm waiting to write my testimony on how UMD decided to give me endless grants to cover my tuition and stuff this year. So we will wait for that.

And of course, my $416.67 a month.

Leisure Time. I spend a lot of my leisure time laying in bed checking the same apps for hours. I don't really have a goal for this, maybe not be as sleepy? But I just hope to invest in my time more, when I do get it. I'll get back to you all.

Writing. I write enough. I write a lot. I get dry spells often though. So my only goal is to be consistent, be better, and never get tired of writing.

Relationship. I really love God. I write to Him pretty often, but I'm not an active bible-reader. I think it's important to be a Bible-reader. I want to be an active-bible reader this semester. One chapter a Day? Download the Bible app maybe? Or just ask Holy Spirit to lead me. Help.

My friends already know the type of person I am. Somedays I want to hang out, and other days I'm not really feeling anyone. It'll be better this time around.

If you wanna keep me accountable, just text me and remind me of my said goals. If you don't have my number... then we must not be friends and I don't how you even found my blog.

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