11 March 2015

Good Findings

Two Sunday's ago was my cousins last day of her spring break, which was unfortunate because her spring break had more of a winter feel. But anyways, she really wanted me to come with her and her mom to drop her off at the Union Station that morning. I contemplated and said to myself "I'll be missing church if I go... why not?!" So I went. Just kidding, I heavily weighed out my options and didn't want to disappoint my cousin by not going with her. When we got there and said our see-you-later's, my aunt found the perfect excuse to check out the H&M that was inside the Union Station. Long story short, I went in, saw some boots that I've been wanting all winter, saw the price tag (on sale for 20 FREAKING DOLLARS) and left empty-handed. I wanted to get them online instead because the ones at the store had a little scuff on them that I would not be able to live with. As soon as I put my right foot out of the store I felt that I had made a major mistake. Oh my goodness. They didn't even have the shoes online typical of H&M to do that to me. I couldn't sleep that night. I even texted my friend Lamz to help me get them the next day since she works in D.C. I called the store to see if they still had them, I mean it was only the next day, and they said they were sold out of those shoes. LIARS! There was no way. That store looked like it rarely got customers and it hadn't even been 24 hours yet. I could not let this go.

Yesterday, March 10, I was chilling at the diner with my brother and my two friends Shaki and Nonso. I realized that my brother was leaving for a study abroad trip on Thursday and I needed him to take me to get these shoes that has been on my heart for a whole two weeks. I'm really rapping right now, but I want you guys to just go through the emotions with me, so keep reading. I had a two hour break until my next class and thought why not take me now! Shaki was like "are you really about to just get up and go to the mall because you want some boots?" I thought she knew me. She does of course, but she didn't know how much I've been desiring these shoes and would not let them go! Surprisingly, my brother said he'll take me. I called every H&M around my school and none of them had the freaking shoe. Liars. So I just put my faith in one of the H&M's and off we went.

When I got there, the shoes were not there. I was so sad. It was the type of sadness you get when you put your faith in something and choose to ignore the wise counsel because your gut is telling you otherwise. I almost gave up y'all. But I didn't, and found some other shoes instead. The price was $15 above the ones my heart was set on, but I just felt like there was something about this shoe in particular, that was just calling for me. I stood in line just thinking "you bout to spend almost $40 on the wrong shoe girl just keep your money" but something (definitely Holy Spirit) was just telling me to hold on to them. I even began transferring the money I kind of sort of did not even have from my savings to my checking's. Sigh.

Here is the climax! So as the cashier calls me next to ring me up, I begin to pull out my card just sad about the fact that I'm not getting a sale item, but these boots went with an outfit I had in mind, so it still worked. When she scanned the boots, the machine read "$5.00." I looked at it like it was some type of mistake, like she accidentally rang up some earrings, but I thought I should just wait for the real price to show up. But then she says "okay so your total is $5.30" and I was like...what. And she's just like... I know isn't that amazing! Do you want to go get something else as well? And I'm like....no? And she's like... ok well you can swipe when you're ready. And this whole time questions are just flooding my mind to ask such as "wait can you ring it up again I think there is a mistake," but please, who would ask such a thing. I actually wanted to just run out of the store with my item before they come chasing me saying they in fact did make a mistake. I left that store with the biggest smile on my face.

I went from almost spending $20 on some scuffed up boots, for these perfect, dreamy, boots for only $5! As cliche as it seems, I believe God knows my style and as His daughter, He saw how sad I felt when I couldn't get those shoes that Sunday. So He placed it upon my heart to go to the mall this random rainy Tuesday and look what happened! As a not-so-broke-in-Jesus-name college student, this is a big deal in itself.

Proceeds to give a chill word: God enjoys the little things. He does the littlest things to not only make me happy, but to show me that He can literally be in all parts of my life. From my education, to my relationships with people, to even my wardrobe and smart spending. God is so awesome, not just because I got these boots for so cheap (which you would never guess them to be cheap, nor from H&M), but because it just proves that He enjoys the little things just like I do. So many cool things happen just by yielding to His voice and making Him apart of your daily lives. Yay God.

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