23 October 2014

It's Not the End of the World

I believe I just failed my second official paper in college. And by fail I mean I did not get an A. And no I am not being dramatic about it. And yes it is a big deal. 

What hurts the most is remembering how well I did on my first paper, the most foreign one (I got an A, a 100%), then being set back by this one. I could blame it on the fact that I skipped one class last week because I was ranting about boys one night, or because this is always the time of the year where I just start slacking off, or because I didn't go to the Writing Center, or because I fell in love with Mali Music for a few hours. Either way, I am currently suffering the consequences in my bed feeling like a helpless infant.

But its no the end of the world.

 Like I say in almost every single post, college is about learning and relearning. Yes I may have failed this paper that I could've blew out the water, but it's not the last paper I will do, mainly because I am a Journalism/English major. I won't die because I did poorly on something I'm so good at. Instead of viewing myself as a failure, I can look at this as an opportunity to learn again. I love learning!

Failing is awesome. It is awesome because in a sense, you're not failing. You are not you're grade, nor are you your mistakes. The true definition of failing is when you give up and take the easy way out. Failing is when you disregard trying your hardest, and only aim for satisfactory. Failing is when you don't take your mistakes and mishaps as an opportunity to learn.

I enjoy writing and it just so happens to be something I am good at. This paper I feel I did poorly on is just one of the many papers I won't do my best on. But it doesn't mean I'll stop writing and it does not mean I'm no longer a good writer.

After the walk of shame I took to my room, library edition, I have chosen to see this as an opportunity to be smarter with my time and..accept this L! Who knows, maybe I didn't do so bad. Jk, I did. But its okay.

By the way y'all. That History 201 exam I talked about here, I got an 83 on it. Go Jesus.

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