I've taken interest in Lisa Lang's new series called "This is Life with Lisa Ling." In this series, Lisa travels across America documenting people's lives, who are living through controversial topics, such as girls having "Sugar Daddies" and humans born to be geniuses through scientific thingies. As I was watching the fourth episode I began to notice myself wondering what my life would be like if I was the one living their lives. I weirdly almost wanted to be them! Most of the episodes had me feeling like this, but particularly the first episode about girls having Sugar Daddies who give them thousands of dollars for just hanging out with them. No sex involved, usually. And the girls were using this money for smart reasons, like paying for college bruh. Why the heck was jealously arising inside of me as I was watching an episode about women using men for money?! Either Lisa Ling is really good with words and portraying information, or I'm starting to have fears in college.
One thing I noticed about college students is that they never really know what they want to do. Seniors are always looking back at their life saying "if I knew what I do now back then, I would be well off by now" or "I wish I took school more seriously, or picked a better major." Apparently to them, college is no room for mistakes, but because of that thinking, their college experience becomes a room full of mistakes.
College needs to be a place where you want to learn. Not only because you are paying a ridiculous amount to be here or because you tryna get on with your life, but because you are choosing to be an independent person that just wants to see growth in their life. A huge thing I have been able to teach myself throughout it all is that with every mistake I make, I chose to learn from it immediately! I will not wait to see the consequences of my actions later down the road, I want to see it as soon as that moment happens so that I won't make that mistake again.
College is a wonderful place. Growth is a wonderful thing. Life is a precious gift.
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