Wowz. Its 2015. Honestly, I am a little disappointed at the fact that there still isn't any futuristic floating cars flying around like TIME magazine's 1988 cover of 2013 Los Angeles predicted, but the latest Mercedes Benz definitely resembles it.
I can proudly say 2014 was an amazing year for me. I finally got my permit, graduated high school, got into my number one and only university, and completed my first semester! I met some great people and got to be apart of some exciting projects that will begin to expand throughout this year and many more years to come. This was probably my happiest year and I'm sure all my friends will agree. God has been so faithful to me, and now this year it is my turn to be faithful to Him.
I don't usually do resolutions from fear of not following through with them. I mean, its not easy sticking to something for a whole 365 days, and I think this year is going to be a leap year. Jeez. This years resolutions have come kind of unexpectedly and I believe they were God-given resolutions. This morning I was writing in my journal and I wrote that this year will be a year of "fascination in the Lord." I am not absolutely sure what that means but I know that as the months pass I will surely find out. 2014 was kind of an idle year for me, I was too scared to do a lot of things for many reasons and I kind of just sat back and let God do His thang in my life. This year, it's time to work. Maybe through that I'll find out exactly what type of fascination this will be.
My other small resolutions include:
Drink More Water. Me and water are just not cool. Even if water was the only thing left for me to drink I would just allow myself to be thirsty all day. You guys won't believe when I say this, but water makes me feel sick. Guys Im serious. My stomach starts to feel like I ate bad meat or something. I'm watertoseintolerent! This year, I'm going to drink more water because my face and skin has paid the price, and they are tired. I say this every time my skin gets really bad, but y'all after taking biotin pills for only two weeks and seeing the damage it has caused me made me wanna go and change my whole life. I was even contemplating on doing a chemical peel to just start fresh, it was that bad. Instead I'll just suffer the consequences and drink water.
Enjoy My Naturality. I went natural 2012 and never showed my hair again, especially after I got that bomb prom weave. The only reason why I really wanted to go natural is because the last time I got a perm, the lady put a disgraceful amount of grease in my hair and let me walk out that salon with my hair looking like a cheap bundle of stiff weave. I was so blown that I just decided to grow my hair out. I was tired of getting hit-or-miss perms! Now I'm looking forward to having pretty coils reach down my back for my wedding day *winky face*. This year I really want to let go of my bomb prom weave more often and try some cool natural hairstyles. I also more importantly just want to be comfortable in my own skin, without make up and fake nails, especially since it is now a luxury to get those done. I will never stop getting my eyebrows done though.
Be Honest, In an Edifying Manner. A lot of people know that I kind of just say whatever I want whenever I want but only when asked for my opinion. I know that I can be really rude with it too. I also know that I like to wait last minute to voice my opinion because, really nobody cares for opinions. So this year I am working on telling the truth and honestly expressing my feelings in a way that won't risk any friendships being damaged or have me getting stoned verbally behind my back. Hehe.
There you have it folks, lets see 2015 be a flourishing year. By flourishing I don't mean a cool breezy walk in the park because it won't of course. But just a year of.. flourish.
You the man. Love you!